
······································································· Roulotte:02
······································································· Dibujando América. Raimond Chaves & Gilda Mantilla
······································································· Xiringuito Mataró. Tadashi Kawamata
······································································· Nama / Austrians Only. Andreja Kuluncic
······································································· Caracas, Hecho en Venezuela. Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber
······································································· Consulate 5.1. Pep Dardanyà
······································································· El patio de Nin. René Francisco
······································································· baggage roulotte:02. Erick Beltrán

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Roulotte has come to a halt for the second time. The long journey between the first issue and this one has brought together another collection of works carried out in different specific contexts. The projects presented by Raimond Chaves/Gilda Mantilla, Tadashi Kawamata, Andreja Kuluncic, Sabine Bitter/Helmut Weber, Pep Dardanyà and René Francisco have shown quite varied scales, ranging from construction and reconstruction to the register written in pencil; but in every one of these a heterodox genius loci has been reformulated which either uncovers their potential in every place or the stories have been silenced instead of favouring a more conventional aspect. All the projects gravitate over the memory of places, rescued or propelled towards new possibilities and, in this sense, perhaps it is quite significant that the works provided from the American continent project themselves much more alongside the European need to discover the dark side of history.

Another element which regularly appears in these projects are the collective works, proving again the need to reformulate the idea of the general public —us—as spectators of a number of proposals which demons-trate their genuine effectiveness in relation to the real users.

Erick Beltrán has designed a specific work for Baggage Roulotte:02, a piece of luggage for this other stretch of journey.

Roulotte does not set out with any sort of established route; just with the fragments of an itinerary provided by each collaborator.

(December 2006)