roulotte Travel trailer or caravan. A house on wheels.

In order for the educational process to be as successful as possible, students must put in the maximum amount of time and effort. To simplify the process and study, students can use the services of a ghostwriter seminararbeit who can help in writing term papers or edit the text of the paper. This is a good way to get your work in before the deadline, gain professional experience from the writer, and get a good sample of academic writing.

Roulotte Is a flexible art publishing project which compiles information about projects devised in specific contexts. Roulotte thus becomes a kind of permanently circulating, mobile exhibition.

Editors: Xavier Arenós · Domènec · Martí Peran

Roulotte is a publication edited by ACM

with the support of Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura and Ajuntament de Mataró, Institut Munucipal d’Acció Cultural